The achievement in environmental sustainability is the base for whole sustainability.For that biomimicry offers a relatively new solution to our issues of sustainability.
Biomimicry is a Greek word derived from bio "life" and "memises immitate". It operates on the principls that in it's 3.8 billion year history. The term coin in 1950's from Otto Schmitt who was American biophysicist and polymath.After in 1997 Janine M.Bengus wrote the book "Biomimicry;Innovation Inspired by Nature" which gives an insight on how significant biomimicry is in shaping the future.
Today Biomimicry is a main branch of science, a problem solving method , a sustainability ethos, a movement ,a stance toward nature and a new way of viewing and valuing our biodiversity. Mainly nature runs on sunlight and uses only the energy it needs. In other hand it banks on diversity with recycling everything. The main point is the tapping the power of limits.Those are the principles of biomimicry to use nature as a model,a measure and a mentor. We can see main two approches behind biomimetic design. In design to biology approach designers require to identify problems and biologist to match these to organisms that have solved similar issues. In biology to design approch requires to have relevant biological or ecological knowledge and research rather than design problem.
Green technology is an umbrella term that describes the use of technology to create products and services that are environmentally friendly. To get higher benefits of that technology we can use biomimicry concept which isn't itself a product but a major process, drawing on natural organisms and processes in order to spark innovation. When we view nature as a good source of ideas instead of a good supplier we can realize lot of new sources. It has spent billion of years solving and refining many of the problems we as humans are facing today. We can get contribution from nature to more sustainable design by considering the structural efficiency,water efficiency,energy usage etc.This theory specifically use in field of architecture. It has great potential to pave the way in the production of ecological sustainable designs, zero waste systems and overall regenerative built environment. Today it is positively affecting human life as a whole but also working with nature instead of against it.
No matter how complex issues may seem, it is we ourselves who have given rise to them. They cannot be beyond our power to resolve. There are countless examples illustrate the wisdom of nature in how organisms are adapted for survival, such as in body style,physiological processes, water conservation, thermal radiation and mutualistic relationships. We can use effective funtions such as heating and cooling system, protecting natural light and ventilation to modern designs. The enemy to our society is the belief that someone else will protect and change it. But everything is about changing our behavior and mindset. You can start today itself. Sit quietly outside and observe. Then research your favorite creature and all its cool functions. We can use characteristics of biological systems such as zero waste, adapted to consatnt change, no long-term toxins,additives, run on current solar power,complex, interconnected and symbolic to man made systems.
Our environment is all we have today.If we don't take care of it who will?
Janine M.Benyus is the mother of biomimicry.This article ended up by one of her saying;
" When we look at what is truely sustainable, the only real model that has worked over long periods of time is the natural world"
✍️ Article : Achala Withanage
💻 Design : Kawshani Chamalka
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