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Halve global per capita food waste

"Respect for food is a respect for life,for who we are and what we do"
_-Thomas Keller-_

Foods are the any substance whether processed,semi-processed or raw that are intended for human consumption.It includes drink and any substance that has been used in the manufacture,preparation or treatment of food.Food waste associated inedible parts removed from the human food supply chain in the manufacturing,grocery retail,household,etc.So food waste represent a waste of resources used in production such as land,water,energy and other inputs.

According to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12;Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns,proposed 11 targets to fulfill 12th goal by at least 2030.Under that target 12.3 stated that by 2030,halve per capital global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains,including post-harvest losses.

Today food waste has become a bigger crisis than we think.Did you know that we waste about 3.2 billion tons of food a year?According to Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nation (FAO);food waste globally sums to one-third of the total food production.It is about 3.2 billion tons a year. According to research,approximately 931 million tons of food is stored in the waste bins of households,retailers,restaurants and other food services and about 42.8 million tons ended up in landfills or combustion facilities,a number that should be halved by 2030.

Food waste has significant environmental,social and economic impacts.For example,at a time when climate change is still lagging behind,8%-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with non-consuming food.

There are various causes which are supported to food waste such as errors in industries,technical constraints,transportation,improper rotation,overstocking,large portion sizes,etc.

How many people in this world do not have sufficient food to eat?How lucky are we?We have sufficient food to eat.We can make a big difference if we consume food carefully without wasting it by practising by yourself.

We can use a list when shopping,removing refrigerator and pantry cupboard onece a week,pay attention to the expiration date of the goods.The nutritious,safe and untouched food can be donated to food banks to help those in need and compost food scraps rather than throwing them away.By managing food sustainable and reducing waste,we can help business and consumers save money and conserve resources for future generations.

"Eco Cult"
Project on Global Week for Act4SDGs by Green Pulse Society

Article by:-Achala Withanage
Design by:-Chamudika Gunawardhana

#greenpulse #greentech #greentechnology #foa #uor #technology

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