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Green Chemistry for Responsible Management of Chemicals and Waste

Green chemistry is a common topic in current times. Also known as sustainable chemistry, this is the use of chemistry and chemical engineering for the purpose of designing products and processes that will either minimize or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances and wastes. Green chemistry tends to stay focused on the overall environmental impact of chemistry, reducing the consumption of non-renewable resources and possible technological approaches for pollution preventing in a timely manner.

With the goals of designing resource-efficient and inherently safer molecules, materials, products and processes; Green Chemistry presses forward to allow for Responsible Management of Chemicals and Wastes.

When it comes to the responsible management of Chemicals, the study formulates industrial solvents in order to stop chemical pollution and minimize the use of nonrenewable resources. Companies can enjoy lower waste disposal cost, reduced solvent purchases and the promote a better image.

Ultimately Green chemistry can;
1. Lower Waste Disposal Cost – Chemicals get recycled and re-used.
2. Reduced Solvent Expense – Re-usable chemicals used as solvents.
3. Good Business Image – Consumers and businesses like to support organizations that “Go Green”, even making way for better marketing.

The usage and re-production of chemicals produce reduced waste products, non-toxic components and improved quality. Innovative scientific approaches in real-world environmental situations can lead to cost-competitive and cost-effective solutions in the modern world.

Applications include:
1. Source of Reduction and Prevention of Chemical Hazards.
2. Design of chemical products which are less hazardous to human health and the environment.
3. Use of feed-stocks and reagents that are less hazardous to human health and the environment.
4. Design of syntheses and other processes to be of less energy consumption and materials intensive (with high atom economy).
5. Use of feed-stocks derived from annually renewable resources or from abundant wastes.
6. Design of chemical products for increased, more facile reuse or recycling.
7. Reuse or Recycle of Chemicals.
8. Treatment of Chemicals to make them less hazardous.
9. Disposal of Chemicals Properly including radioactive wastes.

The chemical substances that are less hazardous to human health and the environment are less toxic to organisms and ecosystems, not persistent or bio-accumulative in organisms or the environment and inherently safer with respect to handling and are viable for use in making greener ecosystems.

So let us all focus on Green Chemistry for the responsible management of chemicals and waste everywhere. Every contribution helps and all of them are significant in bringing about a better change!

"Eco Cult"
Project on Global Week for Act4SDGs by Green Pulse Society

Article by:- Disuri Avishka
Design by:- Chamudika Gunawardhana

#greenpulse #greentech #greentechnology #foa #uor #technology

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