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5Rs – For an eco lifestyle

The world has reached a critical juncture with the climate change, increasing global warming and all the other crucial environmental issues. Therefore, it is no secret that mitigation actions must be taken as soon as possible for the survival and prosperity of the earth. These problems we face globally can be so overwhelming and hence as individuals, we often feel that there is little we can personally do to change the world for the better. Yet, no one is too small or insignificant to make a difference. As the famous saying goes, “Every journey begins with a single step”, what we must pursue, is engaging in simple tasks within our own capabilities to alleviate the individual negative impacts on the planet. The ‘5Rs of sustainability’ is an ideal strategy to initiate our actions towards an eco-friendly way of life. The Rs stand for Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle. It is slightly different from the widely-known recycling hierarchy of 3Rs as the concept of 5Rs emphasizes the value of sustainable purchasing and consumption of resources rather than the waste management.

The very first stage of 5Rs is Refuse. It basically means not accepting items that are unessential or which will pose a waste problem at the end of their useful lives. Any item with a short lifespan and those that can be replaced by reusable options should be refused. Be it a pamphlet you are given on the street, the small plastic spoon which is offered with the yogurt or even that complimentary ketchup packet with the take away meal– feel free to refuse it, if you do not plan on using it. Taking such measures and removing your support for damaging systems can help to curtail wasteful practices.

If you can’t refuse a product, reducing your usage is the next best step. By lowering the consumption of waste-producing goods, you’ll help diminish items that end up in the trash. Reducing private transportation, opting for online banking instead of receiving paper mail and turning off the electrical appliances to reduce ‘vampire power’ are some sustainable options which you can implement into your daily life.

‘Reuse’ involves using and reusing any items that we do buy, extending their useful lives for as long as possible. When purchase products, focus on reusable products instead of disposable or single-use ones. Aim for the eco-friendlier alternatives and choose reusable cups, glass water bottles and second-hand clothing as those items will save you money and ultimately spare the environment.

Repurpose is another important element, which requires summoning your imagination to work, in moving towards a more sustainable lifestyle. This stage is often entangled with the process of upcycling, which means transforming by-products or waste into new materials perceived to be of greater quality. Using food containers or tires as flower pots, transforming a glass jam jar into a pen holder or making cleaning rags or carpets from the old fabrics may offer an environmental as well as an artistic value to your daily life.

The final stage of Rs, Recycle is the process of converting waste into new materials or objects. Practice earth-friendly recycling habits in the household as much as you can because composting the kitchen and garden waste, cleaning and sorting the recyclable waste (plastic, paper etc) will ultimately lead to a better waste management process of the nation.

These 5 Rs of sustainability are the perfect guidelines for creating a more eco-conscious lifestyle. Therefore, we invite you to gradually take these small and simple steps to change your life for the better and also for a brighter, greener future on the planet.

"Eco Cult"
Project on Global Week for Act4SDGs by Green Pulse Society

Article by:- Avishna Weerakoon
Design by:- Chamudika Gunawardhana

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