Food is a pleasure,
Food is a matter of personal taste & cultural preferences."
B E R E S P O N S I B L E !!!
Do you remember ???
We have done a survey at the beginning of Eco Cult, & we got to know several Food Cults of you.
Here we give you just simple tips to raise up your food cult.
Let's have a try !
⭕Eat less meat.
⭕Prioritize plants.
⭕Switch on to food preservation methods.
⭕Use homemade food as best as possible.
⭕Have a multiple diet.
⭕Use a refrigerator.
⭕Don't order excess food.
⭕Offer food waste to a compost pile.
⭕Reuse food packaging materials.
⭕Give first priority to easily perishable food.
⭕Store food properly.
⭕Match the size of bowls with your needs.
⭕Give more priority to fresh, organic food.
⭕Select new seafood.
⭕Avoid highly processed foods.
⭕Reduce food packaging.
⭕Limit your number of food shopping trips.
⭕ Eat mindfully.
⭕Always choose food that suit your family’s tastes.
⭕Be favor of more ecological consumption food.
⭕Finally, be a "Responsible Food Consumer" who tries to avoid food waste as much as possible.
Credits :- Kasuni Jayalath, Lakmi Perera, Chathuri Sandunika
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