Here we give you just simple tips to raise up your energy cult.
Follow up !
⭕Fulfill your energy needs by renewables.
⭕Switch on to energy efficient appliances.
⭕Maintain a good insulation inside the house.
⭕Use energy efficient light bulbs.
⭕Support local.
⭕Be more digital.
⭕Choose eco-friendly brands.
⭕Getting iron at once.
⭕Unplug devices when not in use.
⭕Use a smart meter.
⭕Eliminate vampire power unplug chargers.
⭕Use a power strip.
⭕Double proof windows.
⭕Use natural light.
⭕Dry your clothes at sun shine.
⭕Replace old devices.
⭕Look for energy star name and label.
⭕Make lighter the color of your roof.
⭕Do laundry efficiently.
⭕Install a timer for your water heater.
⭕Be a "Responsible Energy Consumer"
Credits :- Kasuni Jayalath, Lakmi Perera, Chathuri Sandunika