Over time, the population grew. According to the 2019 report, the world's population growth rate was 1.05% as a percentage. That is, you would be surprised to learn that the population increased by 81 million that year.
Fuels are gaining prominence in a growing economy with a growing population. This situation is exacerbated when we look at Sri Lanka as the economic crisis facing Sri Lanka is getting worse day by day.
Today, fossil fuels are the world's leading source of fuel. Furthermore, although developed countries are also paying close attention to nuclear energy, it is a matter of concern that these fuel sources are a major obstacle to the Earth's survival. While the world community is addressing these issues through 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is moving towards an era of sustainable energy by promoting renewable, green energy sources through Sustainable Development Goals No. 07.
As a tropical country with high renewable energy potential, only solar, wind, biomass and water resources as commercially viable energy sources contribute to the growth of the country's economy and geothermal energy and tidal energy are still being tested.
Under the current economy, the shift to alternative energy will undoubtedly be a great boost to the economy. Anyone interested in Renewable Energy Development Projects can join hands with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Sri Lanka, the responsible body in Sri Lanka.
As a country, the use of renewable energy benefits the environment as well as the economy. Greenhouse gas emissions can be kept at an insignificant level and indirectly, the commercial benefits include job opportunities, increased productivity and improvements in the construction industry.
According to the Renewable Energy Resource Development Plan (2021-2026) of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Sri Lanka, a study on land use in Sri Lanka was followed by mapping of renewable energy resources based on wind, solar, biomass, water and tidal resources. The potential for the use of renewable energy resources as well as the Renewable Energy Park Plan for the period 2021-2026 will undoubtedly contribute to Sri Lanka's rise to the forefront of renewable energy consumption and strengthen Sri Lanka's sustainable future.
So we, the members of the Green Pulse Society, who are exploring the renewable energy heritage of Sri Lanka, are updating your knowledge book on renewable energy sources such as solar, water, wind, geothermal, biomass and ocean waves.
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