Even though the coronavirus pandemic restricted the international tourism, many parks and Protected Areas have been facing an increased influx of visitors. The situation points out an opportunity to raise awareness about Protected Area issues, on the other hand, it brings significant challenges for the Protected Area managers – especially in keeping the tourism activities sustainable.
Ecotourism, exhibits a strong correlation with periphernortal and protected areas. nature-based tourism in general is one of the fastest growing sectors within the global tourism industry.
Ecotourism is a form of sustainable tourism. It’s environmentally responsible visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy, study and appreciate nature (and any accompanying cultural features), that promotes conservation, has low visitor impact, and provides beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local populations. Conserves the environment & welfare of local people.
Sustainable tourism aims to Minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive impacts of tourism as an activity, while conserving resources or using them wisely in order to maintain their long-term viability.
The CEETO Project,
Initiatives of European Charter for Sustainable Tourism have taken a step forward in the development of Sustainable Tourism management.
Together we can act to help in connecting the planning and management functions of tourism development with the social goals of tourism into a concrete set of guidelines that help pave the way to a more sustainable tourism industry.
It may seem like an enormous task but truly, if you think about it, if we all choose to incorporate more eco-friendly habits into our travels- nay, into our daily lives, the impact of these actions will have a ripple-effect across the entire world.
It all starts with a choice.
that choice, ultimately starts within us.
"Eco Cult"
Project on Global Week for Act4SDGs by Green Pulse Society
Article by:- Kiruciga Mahendraraj
Design by:- Chamudika Gunawardhana
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